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User:Ta bu shi da yu/IRC logs

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A few interesting IRC logs I've had over the years:


<l0de> sorry our conversation was cut short!
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ya
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> what did you want to say?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I'm new to being an op, I don't know how to unban you
<l0de> I was just trying to figure out why people are so agitated so I can solve the problem
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> :) c'mon mate, you can't be serious
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I fought for your article and your org tried to crap up Wikipedia!
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> that's hardly helping you any is it?
<l0de> well, you can hardly expect a troll organization not to troll
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> true
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> but the ting about Wikipedia is: it's different
<l0de> I mean, remember the parable of the snake
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> yeah, that occurred to me a few times :)
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> it's VERY easy to crap flood it
<l0de> Not just easy to crapflood it
<l0de> Easy to destroy it utterly
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I know
<l0de> So we are showing some restraint.
<l0de> :D
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> thanx
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I do appreciate it
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> don't let them bait you
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I don't approve of you guys, but I'd rather have peace with you than a war
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> we rely on some of those open proxies for our Chinese contributors
<l0de> Ha ha ha. Baiting a troll is like fishing for shark with your hands.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> true :)
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I did tell certain ppl that
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> thing is.... we don't want to block those open proxies
<l0de> You could block every proxy in the world
<l0de> And we could still destroy wikipedia
<l0de> because of the nature of wikipedia
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> quite possibly :)
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ya
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> we know that :)
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> that's part of the experiment
<l0de> It's a house of cards.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I also know that
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> all we can ask is that you don't make a determined effort
<l0de> I can promise nothing! I am not a herder of cats. 
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> what do you say?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> out of interest... are you the GNAA "leader"?
<l0de> The GNAA does not have a leader.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> cool
<l0de> It has a titular president, but again, there is no hope for coherrent direction among the members beyond a certain extent
<l0de> Due to the volatile nature of the member base.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> lol! I can imagine
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> you were on the radio, weren't you?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I hear your founder lives in Japan....
<l0de> Am, not were.
<l0de> www.l0deradiohour.com
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> you are?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> cool
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> are you affiliated directly with the GNAA?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I might add your link
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> if so
<l0de> I am directly affiliated, as is the show. 
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> cool
<l0de> The GNAA sponsors the show.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> really?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> what do they provide?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> yoru organisation is actually pretty interesting
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> even if I don't like it
<l0de> I'm not at liberty to divulge that. 
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> oh
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ok then
<l0de> Remember that organizations like ours serve a useful purpose
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> like what?!
<l0de> Anything without a cycle of destruction and rebirth stagnates.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> you see... if you had that on your GNAA main site I could add that
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I mean, your site needs expansion
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> you guys need a vision statement
<l0de> We have one
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> oh
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> maybe I didn't check carefully enough
* ta_bu_shi_da_yu checks
<l0de> http://www.gnaa.us/corp.phtml
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ya
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> just checking now
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> damn
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> that needs to go into the article
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> so "support and do not promote racism, homophobia, etc." and that "if you think this site is racist, 
you need your  head checked." why do you call yourselves the "Gay nigger association of America"?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> don't you think that's kind of both of these things?
<l0de> Not at all
<l0de> "Nigger" and "gay" are descriptors
<l0de> The same way that "caucasian" and "large" are
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> hmmm... well, gay doesn't have a negative connotation, but "nigger" sure does
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I had to take your page off my watchlist because a Canandian saw me reading it
<l0de> The term "nigger" is no longer a racist term, unless you are an outmoded individual
<l0de> Due largely to efforts like ours, which dethorn a word and return it to acceptable vernacular.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> hmmm... many would disagree
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> so you desensitize ppl to the word
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> well.... what about the crap flooding?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> why is that central to your plans
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ?
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> incidently, I can't help with your problem
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I'm no scientist or metalurgist
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> whatever that spelling is
<l0de> Crap flooding is not my field, so I would not be able to answer your questions about it.
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> ah
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> what is your specialty?
<l0de> I am not so easily quantified!
<l0de> :D
<l0de> I'll have to go shortly. Pleasure speaking with you. 
<-- l0de has quit ()

Odd nicks

<OldakQuill> Hello
<wikipedia> I am now going to drop all your edits
* wikipedia goes to the sleep
* wikipedia snores
* Project2501a hacks wikipedia
* wikipedia strikes back
* Project2501a has a firewall up
<Project2501a> YOU LOSE
* wikipedia hacks through Project2501a's Windows 95 firewall
* avar slaps projectwhatever with his IQ stick.
* wikipedia farts
<Project2501a> wikipedia: that windows95 firewall was a subterfuge!
<wikipedia> hahaha! I will not sync up
<Project2501a> YOU FAIL IT :)
<wikipedia> yeah? then how come I got through?
<Project2501a> Because i allowed you.
<wikipedia> I didn't know you were into women's clothing...
<Project2501a> now, i have control of all the wiki computers
<wikipedia> row!
* Project2501a makes the wikipedia computers play pong and nethack.
* wikipedia pongs
* wikipedia nethacks
<Project2501a> no amulet of yendor for you!
* wikipedia slaps Project2501a for making me into a geek!
<Project2501a> hahah. you, ma'm, you're being maintained by geeks!
* wikipedia cries
* wikipedia error out
<sannse> wikipedia is female?
<innocence> ewwww.  geeks
<wikipedia> maybe
<wikipedia> what's it to you?
<avar> sannse: The important question is: "is it fuckable?"
<wikipedia> wikipedia fucks with YOU!
<innocence> sannse> wikipedia recognises the futility of gender ;)
<wikipedia> lol
* sannse laughs at the predictable replies ;)
* wikipedia recognises the futility of gender
<innocence> sannse> :(
* wikipedia splits from France
<wikipedia> bonjour
* avar took 200 pictures and they all suck.
* wikipedia sympathises with avar
<sannse> innocence: only in that it mean's I've been here too long and know what people are going to say :)
<Project2501a> In Soviet Russia, Wiki Edits You!
<pakaran> heh
--- You are now known as ru
<pakaran> isn't there meta:soviet wikipedia or something?
<ru> vot is dat you say?
<sannse> awww.. innocence, my sweet.. of course I don't
--- You are now known as ru_wikipedia
<ru_wikipedia> das is not happinink
* ru_wikipedia eatink the cabbage
* Project2501a gives ru_wikipedia some Stolichnaya
* ru_wikipedia drinks some Vodka
* ru_wikipedia burps
<Project2501a> we drink, da?
<ru_wikipedia> da!
<Project2501a> we sing the 3rd National!
<ru_wikipedia> da da!
* ru_wikipedia oggles the good looking Russian chicks
<Project2501a> o/~ OH, MOTHERLAND o/~
* ru_wikipedia fires ICBM at top sekret site of wikipedia
--- Project2501a is now known as fr_wikipedia
<ru_wikipedia> oh no...
* fr_wikipedia fires ze missiles, too
--- fr_wikipedia is now known as au_wikipedia
<au_wikipedia> wtf, mate? ^^
* ru_wikipedia burns off half the country side to get away from fr_wikipedia
<ru_wikipedia> vot?
<ru_wikipedia> zat cannot be!
--- au_wikipedia is now known as us_wikipedia
<ru_wikipedia> au_wikipedians are all in bed!
<us_wikipedia> Fucking cangooroos
<ru_wikipedia> dah... my mortal enemy
<us_wikipedia> they'll all be dead soon.
--- You are now known as au_wikipedia
<au_wikipedia> bloody drongos
--- avar is now known as is_wikipedia
<is_wikipedia> muha
<au_wikipedia> stone the crows mate, what country is is?
* us_wikipedia hires is_wikipedia as slave labor for his garden
<is_wikipedia> is?
--- Angela is now known as angaway
--- You are now known as wikipedia
<us_wikipedia> Hey, Pedro, clean my garden.
<wikipedia> come back to the mothership us_wikipedia
<towo> innocence: Err. Please tell me what's up here.
--- us_wikipedia is now known as George_Clinton
<George_Clinton> MotherShip Connection?
--- You are now known as Bill_Clinton
<innocence> towo> some people are being Very Silly.
* George_Clinton plays the Funk
<towo> innocence: Ah. Thanks for the explanation.
--- You are now known as monty_python
<monty_python> and now for something completely different
<innocence> towo> i think their mothers didn't love them enough
--- You are now known as myMum
<towo> innocence: Please, no Freud.
<towo> Thjat'd be a fraud..
<myMum> I'll have you know I love my boy very much!
<innocence> /nick freud
<juxho> humm humm
<towo> innocence: Siggy.
--- George_Clinton is now known as Young
--- You are now known as ta_bu_shi_da_yu
-- Young is now known as Yung
* Yung psychoanalyses ta_bu_shi_da_yu
--- ta_bu_shi_da_yu sets mode -e ta_bu_shi_da_yu
--- You are now known as Jung
* Jung psychoanalyses Yung
* towo sighs.
<Yung> oh
<Jung> lol
<Yung> My evil twin.
<Jung> evil? YOU are evil
<Yung> I shall kung-foo you to death!
<-- innocence (~kate@larousse.wikipedia.org) has left #wikipedia
<Yung> Fool!
<Jung> Fool!
<Yung> don't you know who I am?
<towo> Someone please remove the idiots.
<Jung> don't you know who I am
<Yung> MY kung-foo is perfect!
--- You are now known as ta_bu_shi_da_yu
--- Yung is now known as Project2501a
<Project2501a> ok, enough :)